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Friday, June 21st

Refresh (verb): give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate.


Register today for the Refresh Conference...

a time to network, be refreshed and grow!

What is the
Refresh Conference?

As a ministry leader, does your position of Kingdom Leadership ever feel heavy? Do you ever feel tired, burnt out, or confused how to move forward? At The Refresh Conference, we will dive into practical and tangible ways for you to be REFRESHED so that you are strengthened and energized to remain in the Kingdom Leadership God has called you to!


You can expect powerful worship, intentional times of prayer, testimonies to encourage your spirit and uplifting time spent with fellow ministry leaders. We have crafted three purposeful large group sessions, led by Pastors Rod Dooley & Daniel Winn, Pastor Jeremy & Caleb Freeman and St. Julian & Amber Dismute. You will also have an opportunity to select two breakout sessions to attend (topics below).


On Thursday, June 20th, anyone participating in the conference is also invited to enjoy a meal and be a part of the Ordination Ceremony of our 2024 Pastoral Candidates within New Wells Ministry Network.


A conference for anyone with a heart for ministry. 

Whether you work in ministry, in the marketplace, volunteer, attend school…

we are all called to this mission.

Conference Speakers

Pastors Rod Dooley & Daniel Winn


Pastor Jeremy & Caleb Freeman

Jeremy & Caleb Freeman 2.jpeg

St. Julian & Amber Dismute

Julian & Amber Dismute_edited.jpg

Breakout Sessions

REFRESH through Rest

From the beginning of time, God ordained,  blessed and mandated rest. The fruit and health of our Kingdom Leadership is dependent on our willingness to obey Jesus’ invitation to ‘come into my rest.’ Learn how to follow Jesus’ example with practical ways to implement rest in your life and ministry.



REFRESH through Connection

We were created for connection and were never meant to be alone. The relationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit put in place our need for relationships with Him and people. Learn how to cultivate connection with family members, friends and fellow ministry leaders through leading with vulnerability, bearing with one another and loving one another.

REFRESH through Restoration

God’s design for us is that we would experience wholeness of mind, body and spirit. However, in this broken world, this wholeness may often seem out of reach. Uncover restorative rhythms that allow us to surrender the things that weigh us down and, in turn, walk back into the abundant life Jesus offers.



REFRESH through Creating

God is our Creator and He invites us to create with Him for His glory. In each new season of life and ministry, God has prepared opportunities for us to create in ways that will build the Kingdom, grow the Church and allow us to become more like Him. Lean in to this creativity to uncover what God has in store for you, your family and your ministry. 



Ordination Ceremony & Dinner

Thursday, June 20th

The Refresh Conference

Friday, June 21st

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